Who We Help

Ensuring Financial Stability for
Special Needs Families

At Special Journey Solutions, our mission is firmly grounded in empathy, genuine understanding, and unwavering support for families who embrace the distinctive journey of caring for individuals with special needs. We understand that every family’s path is unique, and we are wholeheartedly committed to offering the guidance, expertise, and heartfelt compassion required to pave the way for a bright and prosperous financial future. We provide financial guidance and assistance for:

Physically Disabled

Physically Disabled

For families with physically disabled loved ones, Special Journey Solutions specializes in creating personalized financial plans that cater to their specific needs. Our dedicated team is committed to helping you secure government benefits and providing comprehensive financial planning while addressing your unique circumstances.

Intellectually Disabled

Intellectually Disabled

Caring for individuals with intellectual disabilities necessitates careful planning and compassion. Our financial professionals comprehend the intricacies of this journey and collaborate closely with you to develop a comprehensive plan. This includes addressing special needs trusts, government assistance programs, and more, all with the aim of securing a stable financial future.

Emotional or Behaviorally Disabled

Emotional or Behaviorally Disabled

Families caring for individuals with emotional or behavioral challenges deserve specialized financial support. Our approach empowers you to navigate the unique financial aspects, including accessing government programs and assistance that can provide essential support. We understand the importance of securing benefits and resources that can ease the financial burden, and providing the best possible care for your loved ones with emotional or behavioral challenges.

Why Choose Special Journey Solutions

Special Journey Solutions recognizes the distinct nature of the responsibility involved in caring for individuals with special needs. Our steadfast commitment to the well-being of your family distinguishes us as a reputable choice for financial guidance.

Empathy-Driven Approach:

Our founder, Bruce Sham, shares a personal connection to the challenges faced by special needs families. This empathy is at the core of our approach, ensuring that you receive guidance that is not just financial, but deeply understanding of your unique circumstances.

Tailored Financial Solutions:

We specialize in creating personalized financial plans that cater to the specific needs of your family. Whether you’re caring for physically disabled, intellectually disabled, or emotionally or behaviorally disabled loved ones, our dedicated team is committed to providing tailored solutions.

Government Benefits Expertise:

Accessing government benefits can be a complex process. We have in-depth knowledge and experience in helping families secure the essential benefits and resources needed to ease the financial burden and provide support for your loved ones.

Empowering Your Future:

We empower you to navigate the unique financial aspects of your journey, offering guidance that fosters optimism and hope for a secure financial future. Your family’s financial well-being is our primary concern.

Long-Term Relationship:

We’re not just financial planners; we’re dedicated to partnering with you on your unique journey. Our commitment extends beyond initial planning to provide consistent monitoring and timely adjustments as your family’s needs evolve.

Take the First Step Today

Your journey is unique, and you don’t have to navigate it alone. At Special Journey Solutions, we understand the complexities and joys of raising a special needs child. We’re here to empower you with resources, strategies, and a team that understands your needs.

Connect with us to work towards a future where your child is set up for success.

Schedule a Complimentary Consultation